Sunday, November 11, 2007

Attention to detail

Every job asks that you have this. No one will admit that they don't. It's maybe one step up from saying you drink too much. Yeah, I don't really pay attention to details. They're too boring. It's not worth my time to be painstakingly careful. Sorry.

Truth is, we're not all detail-oriented people. More correctly, we don't all pay attention to the same details. But some of us just tend to cut corners more than others. We're just not wired that way. And I, for one, am ready to shed my shame, along with the fact that I'm not a morning person. In fact, the world would probably be a safer place if more people felt safe admitting that they needed to be double-checked -- needed to be proof-read, needed to have someone inspect the bolts they just installed, or the meds they just prescribed. You know, you can be a very talented person -- who just happens to live in the big picture.

And note here, that one should never assume having a DOP for the job is always a plus. The DOP, by virtue of her over-attentiveness to minutiae, is sometimes like a camera permanently set up closeups. Not so good for the breathtaking mountain shots.

But if you do want to hire a DOP -- and some jobs demand it -- how can you make sure you're getting one since no one will admit to being a non-DOP? I've always been a fan of the trick questions. Here are some suggestions:

1. Do you enjoy bird-watching (most DOPs don't)
2. How do you rate yourself as a gift wrapper? (non-DOPs are big fans of the gift bag)
3. Have you ever cooked anything using a recipe from the Silver Palate Cookbook (with a minimum of 25 ingredients, not a big fave amongst us non-DOPs)

Are you a DOP or a non-DOP?


Anonymous said...

You know how I feel about gift-wrapping. If my medical career fails you will be able to find me at the gift-wrapping counter in a department store.

Unknown said...

This is so funny! I am a good gift wrapper, I do not enjoy bird watching, and I have cooked from Silver Palate. Once again, I'm a classic Libran mix of both, making for a reasonably DOP, with big picture flair. :)